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Month: March 2017

Live: Highly Suspect

7th March at Sound Control


One thing that’s important to state from the offset about Highly Suspect is this: their music is loud. Very loud. This is of course something to be embraced by fans of the alt-rock trio, but does become somewhat tiresome as the night wears on, with some songs becoming indistinguishable from others due to the incessant, uncontrolled — ironically, given the venue — sound.

They open with an impressively energetic cover of Real Life’s ‘80s hit ‘Send Me An Angel’, before progressing into two popular songs from their debut album Mister Asylum; ‘Bath Salts’ and ‘Lost’; the latter encouraging the first of many clapalongs from the willing audience. It seems a little paradoxical that this punk rock/pop band encourages their audience to clap along to many of their songs, but it is their readiness to have fun, to really enjoy themselves and for their fans to do the same, that sees them refuse to stick purely to the angsty, over-serious constructs that their genre and lyrics imply.

This is, however, followed by the uncomfortably yelled ‘Viper Strike’, as a preference for noise again displaces vocals and music. In fairness, though, there are no pretensions here as lead vocalist Johnny Stevens announces that he intends to “fuck your eardrums” as “that’s the point of it”.

The second half of the show appears far more self-reflective and measured, with the slow but funky and romantic ‘Round and Round’, which includes a long instrumental, bringing a welcome respite from the previous onslaught.

‘Serotonia’, a single from their new album, invokes a large cheer, and, whilst one of their best and most thought-through songs, is briefly interrupted as Stevens jokes about the audience’s out of rhythm clapping — there is no sense of him wanting them to stop though, indeed he ends up leading them as the song crescendos.

The rendition of their biggest hit, ‘Lydia’, is pleasingly ominous and slower than the studio version, and his showmanship is evident as he teases the crowd by downing his drink rather than immediately singing the chorus. The anticipation rises, and the second half of the song is the strongest performance of the night.

The evening concludes with a hugely impressive (though a tad self-indulgent) drum solo from Ryan Meyer that seems straight out of Whiplash, though one wonders whether it might have served its purpose better at the start, rather than pre-encore.

When Highly Suspect play their songs straightforwardly and with the emotion reflected in their lyrics, they are very enjoyable. Disappointment arises, however, when in their obvious attempts not to be pigeonholed, they lose track of the quality of sound that their admittedly smart lyrics require.

Feminism and Japanese fashion

In many ways Japan is considered a very forward thinking country. It’s an incredibly diverse culture, one where westernisation and technological advances are blended with traditional culture and customs. However the oppression of women in Japanese society continues to be an ongoing issue and one that is often noticed in the western world.

This is partly due to the large presence of Joshi Kousi, or JK, a popular movement involving dressing in various adaptations of school-girl clothing. JK is very popular in Japan and is a style that both men and women embrace. Recently, BBC3 released a documentary by Stacey Dooley where she investigated the links between the sexualisation of school girls and how JK is used to sell all sorts of things, from cosmetics to pornography.

However as an avid follower of Japanese fashion, I do not think enough is said regarding the positive impact their fashion has on women in Japan. One of the most noticeable things about J-fashion is how expressive and diverse it is, with a huge variety of trends. One good example of this is Lolita fashion; it is a trend that is influenced by Victorian and Edwardian clothing with an array of denominations, from ‘sweet’ which involves pastel colours and motifs of cartoon animals and bows or ‘gothic’ which is far darker. Lolita fashion involves covering the skin and wearing many layers; it is often assumed to have links to Nobakov’s controversial novel of the same name, which it does not. This just goes to show that there tends to be a misconception in Western society about the variety of styles that exist in Japan and their connections to oversexualisation and the male gaze.

In my eyes, the real problem here is the sexualisation of children which appears in every fashion industry in the world, such as the release of padded bikinis for children by Abercrombie and Fitch, and the child model Thylane Blondeau who appeared fully made up and posing provocatively in French Vogue. So while Japan is no different, that is not its sole identifier. It is so important to embrace cultural differences in the global fashion industry and to understand that what is considered sexual or disrespectful in one society may not translate into another.

Fashion is an amazing gateway for people to express their personality, ideas and political beliefs. And the beautiful, creative and expressive styles that are found on the streets of Japan are one more example of how women are empowering and expressing themselves every day.

The life of a midwife

A few months ago, I was talking with a student midwife. Due to my lack of knowledge on the course, I was curious as to what it included. From that conversation, I resolved to write an article on the matter. So, over the last few weeks, I have interviewed 3 midwifery students.

For the purposes of this article I will be keeping their names and the NHS trusts at which they work anonymous. The one major detail I will divulge about them, is that these three women have a passion for their course. A real love for what they do and an emotional connection to their studies that most of us seem to lack.

I started off by asking the three women why they chose to do midwifery at university. One of them told me that “I like dealing with people, I always wanted to work in health care” and that she “enjoyed supporting families, especially working with women and children, and helping society as a whole’” Another, who hails from Wales, said that she decided on it after her experiences with the poor maternity care she had seen her stepmother receive. She also spoke about how “women really appreciate the care we give, for some it’s the first time they will have had this kind of contact with the health service and so they can often be scared”.

The third midwife also spoke of the fact that many women can find the prospect of pregnancy and the health service scary. She also said that “when they come to you, these people aren’t sick. They’ve come to you for a happy reason”. But the most stress that she placed on her reason for choosing midwifery was what she saw as the significance of being the first person to touch and see a new born baby.

These are young people, like you and me, who are not taking their degree because they think that it will make them a lot of money afterwards. They are not doing it because they see it as the easiest way towards a 2:1. They, and many other students like them, are doing it because they see it as either their duty, or their calling, to not only help people but to also make their communities a better place. The one young woman from Wales, expressed quite passionately her desire to go back and improve what she called “the poorly run maternity services in Wales”.

They have also worked incredibly hard to get to where they are, and they continue to work harder than most of us. Just to be admitted onto their course, they have had to achieve A levels of AAA-AAB; sit through Math and English tests on the same day of their interview; be DBS checked; and pass comprehensive medical tests. They also have to do yearly declaration of integrity. One of the three said that “it feels like there is constant scrutiny”. But this should not be taken negatively. They wholeheartedly believe that the scrutiny will make them better midwives. After all, they are dealing with the lives of women and babies, who at the time of the birth, can often be at their most vulnerable. I am told that the pressure of the course is such that over the past year and a half, they have seen 1 in 6 of the women on their course drop out. I am told that this is either due to the intensity and rigour that goes hand in hand with the course, or because some end up falling pregnant. I am told that “it’s not uncommon for some of the girls on the course to get broody”.

And when I ask specifically about the basic structure of the course, I am blown away with the amount of work they put in. First of all, their course is 45 weeks long. They only get 7 weeks off a year. Further to that, while students like myself make do with 6 contact hours a week of seminars and lectures, midwives put in a staggering 37.5 hour week, 22.5 of which is usually spent in hospital. They also work during the exam periods as they inform me that “when your mentor is working, you are working”. They do not get time to revise for exams. Instead, they have to fit it in-between antenatal care, postnatal care, and assisting with births.

One thing I was also asked to stress specifically is that, to pass their course, they also have to do a “metric fuck-tonne of paper work”. Everything they do has to be logged in order for them to graduate successfully.

This is most certainly not the most interesting part of their work. That occurs on the ward, where new life is brought into the world, and sometimes in very stressful circumstances. So then I asked them each two questions. Obviously, the nature of their work can be very emotional and dramatic at times. So, I enquired as to what they thought was their favourite and least favourite moment of the course.

They all had very different answers. One said “I really enjoyed seeing the same woman in antenatal and postnatal care. I got to see her development over all the months. I didn’t give her any significant care, we would just talk. But after she left I got a card from her and that was really nice.”

The second said “I know it sounds clichéd but it was my first delivery. Seeing your name on the delivery sheet and thinking that today was that day. I cried on the bus the whole way home. It’s that realisation that you have delivered a baby which is something special”.

The third midwife’s account really touched on the social issues that sometimes come with pregnancy. “It was like my third delivery or something and I had this really appreciative woman without a husband. It was after she had delivered the baby and I went to visit the woman in her home. We were really pleased to see each other. She had a lot of social issues to deal with and I really felt I had made a difference. Even if it was just that one mother and one baby.”

Then I asked about their least favourite moments. It was not until the three had explained to me the trials and tribulations of childbirth that I realised what can occur. Some women can lose as much as 2 litres of blood during the process through something called a post-partum haemorrhage which the midwives described as occasionally resembling a “fountain of blood”. They talk of this casually. This is the stuff that happens every day and they have procedures to make sure that should something like this occur, they can stop it. They say that 9 times out of 10 everything, even if there are some complications, it will go absolutely fine.

One of the women spoke of her worst day, which in the end came out with a happy ending. “We had this Jewish lady who was unable to give birth conventionally but she was refusing a C-section. They had to call the Rabbi but the baby’s heart beat began to dip and so we had to get her on the table ready for the operation. We had her on the table and the husband was worried and on the phone to the Rabbi and we lost the baby’s heartbeat. It was only 3 minutes but it felt like an eternity. In the end we managed to find the heartbeat and the baby came out a bit bruised but otherwise fine. I’d just felt so helpless standing there while everyone ran around shouting. The parents were helpless. The consultants were shouting lots and I just had to stand there. It was all fine in the end though”.

One of the midwives’ stories, though less dramatic, clearly meant a great deal to her. “On my last day at my last trust, I was dealing with a couple who were both GP’s and they had specifically asked for a student. We had to do a manual removal of the woman’s placenta and the mother wanted it to be a significant moment for me. In the end, I only played a little role and she was a bit sad that she couldn’t have done something else to make it memorable. But in the end we had a group photo with the family which was really nice”. She said that it was sad for her because she felt that she had disappointed the woman who desperately wanted her to play a role in her birth.

The next story of the third midwife’s worst day really emphasises the worry that many of these women feel when it comes to their patients. “This is probably going to sound a bit silly but it was my first day at a new trust. We had an unwell baby we were delivering and I was just really worried about the baby. Like, what if I couldn’t find the necessary equipment or tools. I just didn’t know where anything was kept and I really didn’t like that”.

To me, all of these stories have one thing in common. While these have supposedly been the girls “worst days” of their course, the reason they have felt so bad on them is due to their dislike of their inability to help the mothers and babies. Midwives are probably some of the least selfish and most empathetic people at university. While they do answer the questions about themselves, they always express concern for those who are most vulnerable in the situation. Even as I talk to them about other things not related to these questions, it is clear that these are the kinds of people who will put you before themselves. A quality that we sometimes lack in society and a quality which we should recognise in these saintly students.

It is this kind of empathetic attitude that means they are also tasked with dealing with some of the most complex social issues. They come face to face with drug abusers, criminals, women who suffer from domestic abuse, or may even be hiding secrets from their husband such as HIV. They told me that “one of the things we do if there is a mother with previous problems is see whether or not she is bonding with the baby. If we conclude that she isn’t, then it could be taken away. It’s a lot of responsibility”.

Many of you will read this and think, why would they do this course? The reason is simple. Because they love it. One of them said to me that she had asked herself the question, “Am I going to love this enough to get up at 5am and go to placement? Yes!” They stress the fact that “we are already doing the job that we want to do. We have a guaranteed job at the end of it, and it is not your average 9 to 5 office work. It’s different every day”.

These students and many others like them up and down the country should be exalted. Their dedication, empathy, and caring nature is something that we don’t often see displayed in society today. One of the women who took part in this told me that she didn’t want people to feel sorry for her if they read this. I hope that is not your conclusion. I hope that you will come away from this with nothing but admiration for these super students. These heroines are some of the best and most caring people in society and I hope you, like myself, will have nothing but admiration for them.

University of Manchester to offer master’s bursaries

The University of Manchester will now be offering 100 bursaries each worth £3000 in funding for master’s students.

UK and EU students who qualify will be able to apply for this bursary if they are starting a taught or research master’s course in September 2017.

Naa Acquah, the current General Secretary, told The Mancunion: “The postgraduate bursaries are something that I am very proud of working on alongside a great team in the university. It is something that I have always been really passionate about and have now ensured that at least a portion of Postgraduate tuition fees will be used towards bursaries for at least the next year.

“I really hope these bursaries are able to support students who need a bit of extra cash to support them doing their degree as money gets tighter and tighter for students. I encourage anyone eligible to apply and make the most of this important scheme.”

These bursaries are to help students from underrepresented groups gain access to master’s courses by removing barriers to postgraduate education. A number of criteria will need to be met to be eligible for the award, but because of the limited number of bursaries that are available, meeting the criteria is not a guarantee of the award.

Eligible courses include LLM, MA, MEd, MBA, MEnt, MPhil, MRes, MSc, and MusM. The courses can be studied full-time or part-time for a maximum of two academic years. Students who already hold a master’s degree or a higher qualification, such as a doctoral degree (PhD), or postgraduate certificates/diplomas (PGCert, PGDip, PGCE) are not eligible.

Students who identify as BAME are encouraged to apply, although this is not part of the master’s bursary criteria.

Students who are eligible for a School or Faculty award or discount can apply too, but only be offered the higher value award. The only exception to this rule is if a student has been awarded a University loyalty bursary — in that case, they will receive both awards.

The deadline for applications will be Wednesday, May 31. Applications must be submitted online — the form can be found on the University of Manchester website, along with other criteria that apply. This bursary scheme is competitive, so applicants are requested to complete their form and give the essential evidence as soon as they can.

Review: Battle of the Gins

Last week the Pen and Pencil in the Northern Quarter of Manchester was filled with 65 Mancunians eager to take part in The ‘Gin-eral Election Night’ with three of Europe’s best gins competing to be crowned Manchester’s favourite.

As we entered a completely packed room full of gin enthusiasts all eagerly sat on benches staring at their menus which tonight consisted of cocktails alone, my eyes were instantly drawn to the rows of colourful cocktails lined up or mid-preparation at the bar.

Photo: Elise Gallagher

The three gins on the ballot paper were: the Belgian Copperhead Gin, Meditterranean Gin Mare and the local contender Manchester Gin.

With limited knowledge of the processes behind distilling gin and the botanicals needed to do so, I was apprehensive at first as to how this evening would go, or whether I was the best judge. However it soon became clear that the night was to be as welcoming to the gin nerds in the room as it would be for the gin novice.

Each of the three candidates for our vote took to the floor to explain the stories behind their gins and how they are made, before perhaps most importantly letting us try their respective gins in cocktails they had each designed.

The first pitch of the night was from Manchester Gin. Their story began, as they realised mid pitch, four years ago when they met on a night out at half one in the morning, and spoke for half an hour on gin alone.

The couple, Seb Heeley and Jen Wiggins, described how Manchester Gin grew out of their love story, adding that they ensured their Northern upbringing was included within the gin through the use of dandelion & burdock root.

Photo: Elise Gallagher

Once all this cuteness was over we were finally served the cocktail I had seen being prepared when we arrived, and it was well worth the wait. ‘Ginfatuation’ was a cross between a clover club and a cosmopolitan and it was definitely my favourite cocktail of the night as someone with a very sweet tooth.

After these cocktails were whisked away, Gin Mare took to the floor, opening by joking that “instead of me talking about my love life and you throwing up in your drinks, I’m going to talk about gin”, and they really did, with a PowerPoint and everything.

Gin Mare boasted that they the bottle their gin came in would make you feel like you were in the Mediterranean, handing it around the audience so that everyone could experience it, I personally still felt firmly in Manchester.

However as soon as the cocktail touched my lips, I couldn’t help but have recollections of hot summer holidays, the refreshing taste quickly making me forget the Manchester rain.

Photo: Elise Gallagher

Next up was Copperhead, the pitch for which “like all good stories had some drugs, booze and Nazis”. Founded by a pharmacist in Belgium and hidden at the bottom of a lake when the Nazis arrived, Copperhead certainly had the most extravagant and gripping pitches of the night.

Unfortunately the cocktail presented to the guests did not go down as well as the story of its creation, however I guess a gin should never be judged by its cocktail.

And they weren’t. In the end the pitches and the cocktails meant nothing, it was all down to the blind taste test of the gins alone.

They all tasted exceptional and deciding on which to select as my winner was very tough – I obviously had to try every last sip of each, just be sure.

In the end Manchester Gin came out clearly on top, soaring to victory with over half of the vote, but with the electorate a room full of Mancunians what did you expect?

Keep your eyes peeled for more battles of the [insert your favourite drink here] at the Pen and Pencil in the coming months.

Manchester City 0-0 Stoke City

If this game was a song… Holding On — Johnny Stimson

This is the kind of song that you hear at the end of a series, as the two star-crossed lovers who have been fighting against one another for six episodes finally realise they love each other. One sees the other across a busy road, and then one minute and seventeen seconds into the song, they run towards one another just as it starts to rain. All in tight fitting t-shirts.

I feel I may have gone a bit off subject there.

This game was very much Stoke City holding on. They started brilliantly and were a great defensive outfit, that could hit on the break quickly, and all had high energy levels. This didn’t drop considerably throughout the game, but Manchester City just kept getting better and the chances came more the later the game went. You do feel that if the game went on for fifteen minutes more, then City would have found the goal they needed (but I’m fully aware that those aren’t the rules of football).


Stoke may not have been the most entertaining team in the world – no one’s going to get a Ballon d’Or any time soon – but the energy they had in this game was impressive to say the least. Joe Allen showed the form that he displayed at the European Championships for Wales, managing to keep up with Yaya Toure, and always finding space on the counter-attack, and Mame Biram Diouf was one of the best defenders on the pitch! Somehow the attacker made two or three fantastic challenges in his own half, including a beautiful slide tackle on Leroy Sane in the box. Leroy asked for a penalty, Diouf asked for a new contract.

Clean Sheet

Like a thirteen-year-old going through a traumatic period in his life, Manchester City fans get so excited about a clean sheet nowadays! Willy Caballero has taken over from Claudio Bravo between the sticks, and the defence has stabilised. Bravo shouldn’t feel too demoralised though – the last goalkeeper to go through a rough patch of form after newly moving to Manchester… was Willy Caballero himself. Now he’s got a song about him to the tune of heads, shoulders, knees, and toes. Does it get much better than that?

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Caballero didn’t make any particularly draw-dropping saves, but the defence as a whole performed better as the game went on. There were a few hairy moments, and Gael Clichy did struggle at points, but it was through Nicolás Otamendi and Aleksander Kolarov that many of the attacks began. There was a time not too long ago when City would have conceded easily in a game like this, and would have dropped all three points.

Chances Missed

The chances were there for City to score, but they just missed that all important cutting edge.

Aleksander Kolarov wrapped his left foot around a free kick that had to be palmed away by Lee Grant in the first half.

Leroy Sane did what he does best, as he sprung into life on the 55th minute and sprinted past the Stoke defence, Mo Farah, and Apollo 11, to get through on goal. He played the ball across the goal, every Stoke defender let out a girlish scream, and it fell to captain Agüero. Agüero’s shot had the keeper beaten but a Stoke defender managed to head the ball away just in time.

David Silva’s introduction midway through the second half made City shift up a couple of gears. If I ever have to go on the run from the police, I want David Silva to come with me; he can lose a man so easily – we’d be off the grid! Silva was finding pockets of space all over the pitch, and he played a one-two with Fernandinho to find himself in the vital pocket of space just in front of the goalkeeper on the 71st minute. He curled it round the goalkeeper but it missed by millimetres. By millimetres I’m talking millimillimetres.

Captain Kun

Despite how Toure, Kolarov and Fernandinho were all on the pitch, and have all regularly wore the captain’s armband before, it was given to Sergio Agüero. I’ve been told to not read into this too much, but I’m a Classics student so let’s read into this too much. Guardiola has been under a lot of pressure from the start about whether Agüero’s future and wellbeing, so perhaps this was a statement.

Agüero played excellently, picking up great positions and showing the defensive work rate that Guardiola expects of his forwards. I’m not saying Agüero will definitely stay in the summer, I’m just saying that he’s going to be at Manchester City for the rest of his entire life and nobody can take him away.


University sports teams showed their support for LGBT History Awareness Month

LGBT History Awareness month happens ever February in the UK, celebrating a number of revolutionary social histories in Britain relating to the LGBT community. 2017 marked the 50th anniversary of the passing of the Street Offences Act 1967 which decriminalised male homosexuality in the privacy of the home. A huge number of the population were liberated and the commemoration of the legislation was moving not just for male homosexuals but for the whole of the LGBT community.

The aim of the month is to increase the visibility of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people, their history, lives and their experiences in the curriculum and culture of educational and other institutions, and the wider community. The increase of the awareness of the lives and experiences of the LGBT within educational institutions is one of the most important aims of the month and it is important that a culture of awareness is instilled in universities.

Universities must be safe spaces for LGBT individuals, as university marks the critical transition into adult life which students often find difficult anyway.

The very nature of a university as a large and diverse institution means that every social group must be accounted for equally and fairly. The education system must recognise every single social group and allow them to achieve their fullest potential, not least the LGBT community. Particularly in a culture of university such as sport, stereotypes and gender norms are not uncommon, and it is important that no matter where somebody comes from or what they identify as, they should be treated equally and embraced.

A number of university sports teams across the Athletics Union celebrated LGBT History Awareness Month by wearing the LGBT colours red, orange, yellow and green. All teams were out in full force wearing face paint and rainbow laces to show their support. The positivity surrounding support for LGBT month was only strengthened by a fantastic showing on the day by the Gymnastics and Rugby League clubs. The Gymnastics club won six medals in their annual BUCS competition held in Surrey, whilst the Men’s Rugby League who won BUCS 9s tournament.

It is also noted that the Wednesday just gone marked International Women’s Day, and the university had eleven women’s teams competing.

Review: One Mic Stand

One Mic Stand is a night run by Young Identity (a spoken word collective formed in Manchester in 2006 by Shirley May and Ali Gadema). They hold workshops in many venues across Manchester, including the Contact Theatre which is where this event took place.

One Mic Stand is described as a “boisterous night of poetry, music and visual art” and certainly lives up to its name! It is a chance for young poets from the collective to showcase their talent (and snap up the £50 prize should they win!) The night also includes an open mic for those who still want to perform without competing as well as special guest performances. As far as poetry slams go, One Mic Stand follows the usual format; poets recite or read their original work before a panel of judges who each offer a score for content and performance.

The audience at One Mic Stand are often pretty rowdy and do not shy away from letting the judges know what they think in the form of cheers and or boos!  One of my favourite things about One Mic Stand is a ritual that has developed over the last two events, started by MC Reece Williams, which involves him hyping up the audience and encouraging everyone to stand up and dance in a mini jam session. The energy in the room quickly skyrockets and any nervous competitors or performers quickly feel at ease!

After the initial jam session — watched by a now hyped audience — the poets take to the stage. A huge array of talent was present, with poets performing in many different styles and tackling many different topics ranging from feminism, to family, to questions of existence. Emily Bloom, a first-time One Mic Stand attendee described the performances overall as “humorous yet moving”.

Notable performances included Kayleigh Hicks who switched up the tone of the slam with a hilarious piece that questioned the traditions of slam poetry, as she strutted about the stage, owning it with her crotch grabs and shiny sunglasses.

Joel Cordingley (the slam winner in my eyes) also stood out with his words drawing in the audience all while confronting him with elegant truths and stunning lines such as

 “I know God isn’t dead but I’m terribly worried I’m the reason he’s bed-ridden. I spend most of my days writing bad haikus and feeling as lonely and bereft as the attic space in which Anne Frank was hidden”.

Roma Havers also stunned the stage with a resonant piece about her younger brother confronting seven deadly sins. In the end the emerging victor was Rosie Fleeshman, an incredibly talented poet who had originally been scheduled an open mic slot, but stepped into the slam last minute. Her stand-out piece was one about feeling “like a bad feminist”, real truths entwined with clever relatable humour had the audience both in stitches and nodding in agreement. Having sat through many similar-sounding feminist poems in my time attending slams, it was so refreshing to see one tackled in another way. She was a deserving and talented winner. Of the event she said: “Everybody was exceptionally supportive and the standard was so high I was happy just to make it to the final, never mind to win. The night was an absolute pleasure to be at, such diversity and talent on show”.

The slam performances were followed by special guests Misha B, a long-time supporter of One Mic Stand and a previous attendee of Young Identity, and Tolu Agbelusi. Misha offered the audience hints of wonderful realism through her upbeat soulful music, the room dancing along in a way reminiscent of Reece’s warm up. Tolu also exhibited a beautiful realism in her work, bringing the whole room with her into the stories she told, breaking hearts and mending them as she tackled difficult topics with exceptional grace.

In the words of Kayleigh Hicks, the night was quite simply “a unique showcase of talent in young people living or studying in Manchester” and a thoroughly enjoyable evening. It’s great to see the fresh talent Manchester has to offer, as well as the support they have from the local community in the large number of audience members.

The next One Mic Stand will take place on the 9th of June, in the slightly larger and much coveted Space One in Contact Theatre. If you can’t wait until then, you can find more info on Young Identity here. Or if you have some creative talent of your own you’d like to share Young Identity run workshops on at Tuesday at the Contact Theatre, from 6-8pm and 7-9pm, at HOME on the third Monday of the month from 7-9pm, at Longsight Library on a Tuesday from 5:45-7:45pm and at Central Library on a Thursday from 6-7:45pm.

Live: The xx

5th March at O2 Apollo Manchester


Following a four-year wait for their return to the live circuit, The xx are back. Supporting new album I See You, the London-formed trio may have been tempted to produce an album similar to their first two efforts; The xx and Coexist providing the material that has made them one Britain’s most popular bands.

However, like all strong acts do, The xx have developed their sound on their latest release. Driven now by the fine samples and beats produced by band member Jamie xx, the group promised to be an enticing spectacle as fans flooded the O2 Apollo for the first of two sold-out shows. After experiencing the peculiar yet captivating performance of support act Francis and the Lights, the stage was set for the main act.

A huge roar greets the group as they arrive on stage to play newest single ‘Say Something Loving’, while glistening in the reflections of the rotating mirrors that structure their stage set-up. There is a certain confidence to the trio’s performance as they follow their opener with ‘Crystalised’ and ‘Islands’, two fan favourites from the band’s debut.

The intimate stylishness of The xx’s older material is not lost, however. As the set develops, it is even channelled in newer songs when needed as guitarist and singer Romy Madley Croft plays I See You track ‘Performance’ solo. There is a clear understanding between the three musicians as Romy and bassist Oliver Sim’s vocals intertwine perfectly with the backing beats of Jamie xx. Despite Croft’s assertions between songs that The xx were nervous to be back playing live, the group could not be tighter musically.

The main body of the setlist is overflowing with new material that is met with a positive reception. One couple not so far away in the crowd provide surprisingly loud but tolerable backing vocals for much of the band’s newer songs, with ‘I Dare You’ proving a notable crowd favourite. The xx perform as a group who have perfected their timings into their new guise while mixing old and new tracks. They interact with the crowd when necessary, namedropping ‘The Deaf Institute’ as the first gig they played in Manchester, much to the delight of the crowd who provide deafening levels of applause.

‘Fiction’ from 2012’s Coexist blends effortlessly into ‘Shelter’ before the band cover ‘Loud Places’, a Jamie xx solo effort, as the set begins to crescendo. Admittedly, two out of the three members of The xx perform on the original track, with Croft providing vocals, so it’s not so much of a cover yet is still very much a welcome addition to their live arsenal. The stage is lit up in rainbow colours, providing a gorgeous spectacle before the encore.

The Hall & Oates-sampling defining I See You lead single ‘On Hold’ starts as the group return for an encore, before ending with two of their other biggest hits, ‘Intro’ and ‘Angels’. It is a superb ending for a trio at the peak of their powers. Don’t be surprised if The xx are present for at least one British festival this summer, and if you get the chance, catch them. The xx’s flowing melodies, succinct beats and incredible tightness makes them one of the best British groups of current times.

Falafel, flatbreads, tabbouleh and dips

This recipe is a great one for sharing with friends around a table. A mezze is one of the best dinner party menus because not only does it look and taste excellent, it looks like it has taken hours of preparation when in actual fact, it’s really simple! So here is a collection of a few mezze ideas which are great as they are, or can be added to or removed as you see fit. If you’re entertaining adamant meat-eaters, simply add some lamb koftas or chicken kebabs. If you hate mangos then add baba ganoush instead — it is completely up to you! For ease, I have chosen to use shop-bought flatbreads which can be put in the toaster or under a hot grill for a couple of minutes before serving.


1 tin of chickpeas

½ red onion

3 tbsp plain flour

½ green chilli

2 cloves garlic

1 tsp ground cumin and ground coriander

½ tsp baking powder

Pinch of salt and pepper

50g halloumi

Oil for frying

Making falafel is probably one of the most simple things in the world, and this one will make more than enough to snack on for weeks to come. To make these falafels simply throw all the ingredients into a food processor and blitz until it comes together. Divide the mixture into 5/6 pieces if you want larger falafels, or into 8/9 if you want smaller ones. Heat enough oil to cover the falafels in either a pan, or (ideally) a deep-fat fryer. While you’re waiting for it to heat up you can stuff the falafels.

Take one falafel and squash flat in the palm of your hand. Take a cube of halloumi and press it into the falafel before forming back into a ball around the halloumi. Repeat this process for all the falafels. When the oil is hot, add the falafels and fry for approximately 5 minutes until golden brown. Remove and leave to cool.


2/3 tin of chickpeas

Juice of 1 lemon

1 clove of garlic

1 tbsp tahini

100ml extra virgin olive oil

1/2tsp ground cumin

Handful of flat-leaf parsley

Pinch of salt and pepper

Exactly like falafels, making your own hummus is incredibly easy and so much better than the shop bought stuff! Almost all hummus recipes will contain chickpeas, lemon, oil, tahini, and seasoning. On top of these, you can flavour it with pretty much anything you like. Harissa works really well, or you could make an Indian-themed hummus by adding spices such as garam masala and ground coriander, whilst a smoked chipotle paste and paprika make for a delicious smoky accompaniment to Mexican dishes. If you haven’t already spotted the theme here, again all you need to do is put all the ingredients apart from the oil into a food processor, or into a jug if using a stick blender, and blitz. Slowly add the oil until you have the desired consistency and taste to see if any extra seasoning is required.

Amba sauce

1 mango

1 large lime

2 cloves garlic

¼ teaspoon mustard seeds, fenugreek seeds, cayenne pepper, smoked paprika and turmeric

De-stone the mango and put the flesh into a food processor. Finely dice or crush the garlic and add to a frying pan on a fairly low heat. Cook the garlic for around 2-3 minutes before adding the spices to toast for approximately another minute until the fragrances begin to be released. Add this to the food processor and blitz the mixture until smooth.


120g bulgur wheat

500ml vegetable stock

1 tbsp olive oil

Juice of 1 lemon (zest reserved for decoration)

1 handful chopped mint and parsley

Salt and pepper to taste

Place the bulgur wheat in a pan and cover with the hot vegetable stock. Simmer gently for approximately 15 minutes, or until the liquid has nearly disappeared. Finely chop and add the mint and parsley. Once cooled, add to the bulgur wheat along with the lemon juice and a pinch of salt and pepper. At this stage, you can once again add pretty much anything you fancy to the tabbouleh. You could easily add some finely diced spring onions or roasted vegetables, or try adding some feta and halloumi. Finally, if you’re entertaining and looking to show off some fancy presentation skills, simply cut a pomegranate in half and bang the seeds out onto the tabbouleh before finishing off with some fresh herbs.

Islamic impact of Saudi King’s Indonesia visit

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud arrived in Indonesia on the 1st of March for a state visit. The royal was joined by an enormous convoy of 800 delegates, 620 staff and over 450 tonnes of luggage. Met from his plane by Indonesian President Joko Widodo, King Salman became the first Saudi monarch to visit the world’s largest Muslim-majority country since 1970. There had been hopes that the visit would lead to economic dealings between the two nations. Political officials in Jakarta appeared to hold aspirations of a $25 billion investment in resources from the Arabian kingdom, in addition to a strengthening of business relations in real terms. With the kingdom eventually agreeing to only one deal, a comparatively meagre $1bn, this aim has clearly failed to materialise.

While Saudi Arabia may not have shown desire to influence the Indonesian economy, their real desire lies with influence of Indonesian culture and religion. In the past three decades, a liberal and tolerant Indonesia has been on the receiving end of Saudi Arabia’s strict and literalist version of Islam: Salafism. This is a cause to which millions of Arabian dollars have been devoted, for instance to build hundreds of mosques and Islamic teaching centres across the Southeast Asian archipelago nation. Salafi adherents and other fundamentalists make up only 3 per cent of Islam’s 1.7 billion followers worldwide, yet through Saudi Arabia, their influence on Islam as a whole is large.

Over time, there has been a gradual, Arabian shifting of Indonesia towards conservatism and intolerance. The heart of the relatively new movement of Indonesian Salafism is the Institute for the Study of Islam and Arabic (LIPIA): a Jakarta university entirely funded by Saudi Arabia. The king’s visit has excited the members of the campus, who hope the two countries can come together, not only in terms of international politics but also religious doctrine. The university enforces strict rules: music is considered prohibited due to being considered ‘bid’ah’ (unnecessary innovation), men and women are kept apart as much as possible, and theology, a mandatory subject, is taught only by committed Wahhabists (followers of an even stricter form of Salafism).

The clearest danger to this spreading of Salafism and Wahhabism is that it fuels global extremism and contributes to terrorism. It draws sharp lines between a small number of true believers and everyone else, whether Muslim or non-Muslim. This branch of thought provides an ideological basis for violent jihadists: the Saudi version of Islam lures particularly vulnerable followers towards Al-Qaeda and the so-called Islamic State, with its denigration and dehumanisation of others exposed as the word of God. Saudi imams, coming from the heart of the Muslim world, the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad and the land of Mecca, carry automatic credibility as religious teachers, and so their instructions are met with obedience.

Textbooks in Saudi Arabia’s schools and universities instill this brand of Islam, and in teaching these views calibrate the religious bases of the young and susceptible, making the ISIS religious narrative easier to swallow. These textbooks are also shipped out to Arabian universities all over the world, including Indonesia: without this Saudi influence, the threat of terrorism around the globe could be a totally different situation. Saudi Arabia is itself a prime exhibit of the terrorist results of such a religion’s enforcement, the Arabian Peninsula nation producing not only Osama bin Laden but also 15 of the 19 hijackers of the 9/11 attacks, and, more recently, around 2,500 Daesh fighters.

There is already a widely held consensus that Saudi Arabia has disrupted local Islamic traditions in a multitude of countries. The Arabian government and royal family have used their almost unlimited wealth shrewdly to this aim: the estimation of religious outreach funding totals 10 billion dollars. Not only this, but guest workers allowed into the country, many from South Asia, also bring away the Saudi methods on returning home years later. The preaching of Wahhabism has brought on a religion that is harshly judgemental, increasing public support in various countries for punishments of stoning and execution for non-violent crimes.

If these results of cooperation with Saudi Arabia, terrorism and disruption of culture, are well documented, the question can surely be raised as to why Indonesia does not appear to be resisting. A likely answer can be found in the all-important hajj quota: the number of citizens per country who can make the pilgrimage to Mecca in any given year. Every Indonesian political leader, including President Widodo and Speaker of the House Zulkifli Hasan, has been quoted on citing the hajj quota as one of the most important focuses of King Salman’s visit to the country. Indonesia has the largest allowance of pilgrimages per year in the world, and are desperate to preserve this, if not build on it.

With this visit, King Salman is seeking to further and further increase cultural and religious change in Indonesia towards this evangelical, extreme Islam. While Indonesia is Saudi Arabia’s largest project, they are by no means alone: Saudi are also undertaking similar foreign infrastructural impositions in Egypt, Bosnia and Pakistan. Although one policy objective of the visit is a pact to combat terrorism, what is needed from the king is an unequivocal, bold and definitive statement denouncing radicalism and violence, to speak for the vast majority of Salafists who are staunchly and ideologically opposed to extremism. Perhaps then his visit will not be seen as a vote of confidence to radical Indonesian Islamic movements, but as a movement to combine with Indonesia to eliminate terror.

Review: Trof NQ

For no particular reason, or without much thought, I have decided to embark on Meat-Free March. For anybody who knows me, I am sure they would bet on me failing spectacularly. However, I’m now over a week in and I can honestly say, not only have I not failed so far, but I’m thoroughly enjoying it. Seeing as after March, I will probably never purposefully choose a vegan-only restaurant, I thought now was the appropriate time to test one out. My in-depth googling led me to head to V-Rev Vegan Diner. Here, they pride themselves on their American style burgers but in an all plant fashion. Their menu, which includes, chicken and beef burgers and hotdogs, made me uncomfortable as I’ve never fully understood the whole meat alternative thing. However, it did lead me to be intrigued. So, with a willing housemate, I headed into town. Frustratingly, when we arrived, the door was locked and we were told that on that day they had decided to embark on a ‘deep-clean’. All my psyching up was for nothing. Feeling deflated we helplessly wondered around the Northern Quarter in search of a vegetarian-friendly menu.

Recognising the name, we approached Trof and browsed their outside menu. Due to seeing a few vegetarian options, us being absolutely starving, and it seeming fairly busy inside, we decided to take the plunge. We grabbed a few beers from the bar, found a table by some classic Northern Quarter exposed brickwork, and sat down to properly inspect the veggie options (my housemate had kindly decided to steer clear of the meat options tonight too). We decided to get two different vegetarian burgers and share them half and half each —something I love doing — as I hate getting food jealously over the other person’s meal. The menu stated the burgers came with fries, which was a nice surprise as restaurants are increasingly labelling chips as a separate side dish, not included in the main; a ludicrous thought especially when ordering something like a burger. Each plate cost around £9, a welcome change to some of the overpriced meals that can easily be found in the nearby vicinity, so we decided to treat ourselves and order a side of ‘green bean chips’ (only later to find out they had sold out).

We popped to the bar to order and the chatty waitress followed us back with cutlery and our beloved condiments. When the food arrived, we were pleased by the size of the burgers; not too intimidating, like the ones where you just can’t work out which angel is best to attack, and not too small, no one likes a small burger. First I started with my half of the ‘beef and white bean burger’ which actually included: beetroot, a cashew and white bean patty, harissa, coleslaw, and guacamole all encased in a generous focaccia bun. The flavours worked well and we especially enjoyed the thick lathering of avocado and the slight hint of spice the harissa brought.

Impressed with our first choice half, we simultaneously moved on to try other choice of burger. This time it was the ‘halloumi shroomy burger’, a mix of marinated halloumi, Portobello mushroom, red pepper, lettuce and aioli, all in a brioche bun. When I bit into the burger, the rich aioli oozed out causing multiple stains on my white shirt, but I didn’t mind because it all added to the experience. The combination of halloumi, sweet red pepper, and Portobello mushroom worked particularly well, and it left me feeling like I would definitely combine the three flavours again in future. My mind remains unsure of brioche burger buns, but as my housemate quite rightly told me, that’s entirely down to my personal preference. We scoffed and dipped our fries to our hearts’ content, and once we had finished, we both slipped back into our chairs, happy and full.

Despite, not planning on heading to Trof, I’m glad we did. It left me believing that the rest of my three weeks as a vegetarian is do-able, and I might even continue enjoying it.

Interview: Cahal Moran, Post-Crash Economics Society

It’s often debated as to whether economics is a “real” science. Economics has its basis in the social sciences but has moved into utilising complex mathematical modelling and making highly specific predictions about spending, taxation, growth and wealth. Governments love to talk about “the economy”, using it as a proxy for success in every area of its administration, as well as bashing their opponents with it. Most, if not all, of the most influential institutions — governmental and private — in the Western world are filled with economists passing judgements, producing analyses, and making predictions.

However, in 2008, the global economic system was brought to its knees by a crisis that next to nobody saw coming. Organisations were bankrupted and governments were suddenly scrambling to save themselves and their closest allies. The consequences of the financial crisis are still felt today, almost 10 years later. When Cahal Moran and fellow students started their economics educations in 2011, they hoped to find economists telling them how things had gone wrong, what should have been done, and how to avoid it ever happening again. Instead, the biggest crisis in economics wasn’t mentioned. They continued to be taught just one school of thought, the neo-classical one, despite the existence of many others which offered differing angles on how the economy worked.

Because of this, they set up the Post-Crash Economics Society, which pressures the university into providing a more pluralist economics education to students, as well as offering some voluntary classes of their own to economics students who worry about the narrowness of their education. Their campaign has become one of the best-known in the world, with The Guardian continuing to support and highlight their work, and influencing the beginning of many other like-minded societies around the world.

Last year Cahal, along with fellow co-founders Joe Earle and Zach Ward-Perkins, released their first book, The Econocracy: The perils of leaving economics to the experts, which explains the goals of the Post-Crash movement as well as highlighting how dangerous the current situation is, in which vastly important decisions are taken in back rooms by economists with such a limited conception of the economy.

I talked to Cahal about the society, the book, and the university.

Tell me about the beginnings of the Post Crash Economics Society.

“So the society began around 2012 when a lot of us were in our second year of economics education, and naturally, having just experienced the financial crisis, a lot of us wanted to study economics to try and make sense of it all, to make sense of the chaos and confusion that was in the news, as people talked about the crash but didn’t really seem to understand it.

“But on entering our economics education, what we found was that rather than discussions of the financial crisis, or of really any issues that you hear about in the news like immigration, or inequality, what we instead saw was just a focus on very abstract mathematical models, large numbers of multiple choice tests, especially in first and second year, and you were essentially being asked to regurgitate these theories over and over again for exams and to solve mathematics that was related to them.

“But we were puzzled really by the complete absence of the issues which seemed to be so central to economics. While our classes were going on, the Eurozone crisis was reaching its apex, but it was scarcely mentioned, if at all, in macroeconomics. And so some of us decided that we would form the group, the Post-Crash Economics Society, to try and question what we were taught and ask ‘why is it that despite all of these important economic events going on around us, we don’t see any of it in the classroom?'”

When the crisis happened what was happening inside economics departments? They must have recognised that it had happened and they hadn’t foreseen it, so did they just stick their heads in the sand or did the questioning begin?

“It’s a really interesting question because I think there’s been a strange combination of recognition and soul-searching and sticking their heads in the sand. So when it first happened I think there was a lot of humility and soul-searching, around 2009, this was before I even came to university. You saw people like Paul Krugman in the New York Times admitting that economists had got it wrong, and you even saw Robert Lucas, who’s a sort of die-hard Chicago free-market guy, admitting that we are all “Keynesians in the foxhole” now.

“But then, after the dust had cleared, I think the profession has been quite quick to reassert itself in many ways. And this isn’t to say that there’s been no reaction, because I think there has been a reaction, and there have been changes, but the essential line that the profession has adopted is ‘OK, we missed it but, we just need to make some tweaks, we have the tools, actually there are many aspects of economics that can explain the crisis, we maybe just need to teach them a bit better, and there is not necessarily the need for fundamental change of the kind that Post-Crash Economics are calling for.'”

Might it be economics itself that’s the problem? Do we overstate our possible ability to see crashes coming or predict what’s coming next, and possibly we should be scaling that back slightly?

“Yes, it’s not like the economy and economics as a discipline are independent. In the run up to the crash, huge institutions and important institutions like central banks used economics very heavily and they were convinced that by using the policy of inflation targeting to manage unemployment and inflation, they would essentially eliminate the problem of the business cycle. Then you had people like Gordon Brown declaring the end of boom and bust; Ben Bernanke, then head of the Federal Reserve, praising the great moderation of low inflation and high growth; people like Robert Lucas saying that the central problem of depression prevention had been solved. So this blindness to the possibility of a crash is really in many ways was stemmed from economics itself.

“So in that sense, I think we do have to rethink questions like can we prevent crashes? Is it possible to prevent them? What can we do about them? And to really never again be seduced by models and ideas which say we have forever solved the problem.”

So why has the economics elite settled on the one neo-classical school of thought at the expense of others?

“I think there’s been two main things. One is the internal drive within the discipline to appear scientific. Previously, in the 18th and 19th century, economics was called Political Economy and it was quite an eclectic subject that took some of politics, some of what we would now call sociology, it was largely qualitative, economists wrote huge tomes instead of mathematical models. This by its nature was quite vague, but with the development of sort of modern mathematical methods, and the application of those to economics in the late 19th century, the subject acquired a sort of scientific-seeming nature, and a precision which meant that very clear predictions about the system and about policies could be made.

“So there was that internal drive within the discipline to appear scientific, and then there’s been the external events, the history of the 20th century — a landmark really was World War 2 — where governments needed to know how many resources they had to fund the war effort, and they wanted to make clear-cut economic decisions, and then so they employed economists, to create the first estimates of things like GDP systematically, and to really produce theories on how to direct resources optimally.

“So this meant that economists acquired positions of great power during the war, and the fact that they could do that relied on these theories which had quite clear-cut, right-or-wrong answers. And so, after World War 2, economists stuck around, and a lot of major international institutions like the IMF and the World Bank were founded shortly after World War 2, and you saw that there were things like the Council of Economic Advisors, created in 1946 to advise the White House.

“So politicians’ urge to have a scientific-seeming theory with which to manage society, and which they could point to GDP and say “we’re doing a good job, [it’s] increasing”, combined with the inner workings of the discipline to create this dominance that we see of economics today and in politics. We call that an Econocracy.”

And it’s correct that no winning manifesto before the 1950s even mentioned the economy?

“That’s correct, and then in the most recent 2015 Conservative manifesto it was used 59 times.”

So because people enjoy simplicity in terms of theory and people enjoy collecting things together to find one answer, it’s become the root of the problem itself.

“Exactly. And it appeals to everyone, from politicians to citizens, because it’s simple to see ‘GDP’s going up, that means the government’s doing well’.”

In your ideal world, what would you like to see happening instead of what we have at the moment?

“So I think so there are a few key problems that we identify with economics education. The first is that it only teaches what’s called the neo-classical school of thought, which is based on a certain type of sort of optimising mathematics, which looks at individuals and how they make decisions and how these fit together, co-ordinated by market prices.

“And that’s really all that’s taught; and not only is it all that’s taught, it’s taught as if that is all there is to economics. You could go through an entire economics degree without even being alerted to the possibility that there’s any other type of economics out there.

“So what we advocate is what is called pluralism, which is a multitude of perspectives, and there are different things like post-Keynesian economics, institutional, feminist economics, all of which have very different approaches, some mathematical, some not, but which highlight different parts of the economic system.

“The second point is the lack of real-world application and real-world events, and often evidence from economics classes. I mean, you can go through microeconomics at Manchester without referencing empirical evidence once, it’s just about axioms and proofs and things like that. So we really are calling for much more engagement with the real world, and testing of theories as well, instead of just stating and regurgitating them.

“And the final main, major change I think we would advocate is critical thinking. So this goes hand-in-hand with having many perspectives, it’s taking the facts, the theory, your values, and your own assumptions, and putting them together to come to your own conclusion about an issue, you know, [like] what was the cause of the 2008 financial crisis? Was it central bank policy, was it financial institutions, was it global imbalances, there’s lots of different valid answers to this question, it’s not as simple as a multiple choice test — that kind of broader thinking is really what we think would be crucial to improving economics education and therefore the economic experts of the future.”

Is there a problem with the University of Manchester’s economics teaching?

“Yes, I think there is. The multiple choice tests, in a curriculum review we did for the book, we reviewed seven Russell Group universities, and Exeter and Manchester stood out as having a large amount of multiple choice tests, to the extent that it’s the sole method used to evaluate a lot of first year courses in economics.

“On the one hand it is a problem, on the other hand we accept that it’s not just because of the university’s laziness or anything, economics at Manchester is one of the biggest courses in the country. You have lectures of 600 students, it’s quite difficult to expect lecturers to mark a multitude of essays which all have different answers to what caused the 2008 crisis, in classes like this, but we think there are some methods which you could use maybe to have a little bit more variation in the type of assessment.”

The university’s now doing the Understanding the Financial Crisis module, isn’t it? Is it doing any more than that?

“There’s the Economics for Public Policy course, which is quite new, with Diane Coyle, which I’ve actually tutored for now, so maybe I have a vested interest, but that’s definitely a step in the right direction. They’re also currently petitioning to have an inequality module, Economics of Inequality module put on by the department, and we’ve got a lecturer who says he’s willing to teach it.

“But while you can persuade the department and economists more generally that they should use more empirical evidence and have more applications, once you get into the realm of pluralism, and of teaching other things than neo-classical economics, they are either very dismissive of it, and just believe it’s as alchemy is to modern chemistry, or they simply say they don’t know anything about it so they can’t teach it, which is a huge institutional problem that goes beyond the department itself.”

Your society was started after the seminar Are Economics Graduates Fit For Purpose? So is it a risk that if every student is coming out with a subpar economics education, all of them are going into powerful economic and financial institutions with such a low level of readiness for it?

“Absolutely, I think that’s shown by the 2008 financial crisis. The Bank of England employs 200 economists in total, and there was evidence of this narrow thinking prior to the crisis, and the influence of economics is actually very direct and pervasive throughout lots of different areas of government. You’ve got things like cost-benefit analysis, which is really quite widely used, essentially a method that reduces everything to money values, from environment to health, and says if the benefits in money are bigger than the costs, then it’s a good policy.

“But there’s obviously a lot of shortcomings of this approach, and yet it’s the only approach that’s used at places like the government economic service to evaluate policy. I think a much broader education would really help to solve policy problems in ways that can’t be anticipated by neo-classical economics.

“There’s actually an interesting project going at the government economic service as well, with a couple of graduates who were in Post-Crash at Manchester, [who] are designing a pluralist training programme to give employees there a broader idea of the way they can approach policy problems.”


Joe Earle, Cahal Moran and Zach Ward-Perkins, with their book, The Econocracy. Photo: Post-Crash Economics Society

Tell me more about your book, The Econocracy.

“The book was intended to articulate the student movement to reform economics’ goals, and our case for reforming economics education because it should be said that Post-Crash Manchester is far from the only society like this. At a similar time, societies like Rethinking Economics, there was Better Economics at UCL, Cambridge Society for Economic Pluralism, as well as huge networks in Germany, and then one in France, as well, and even places like Uganda, Chile, I think, have had societies spring up, independently, which is really quite remarkable, all saying essentially the same thing.

“We didn’t come first, a lot of the London organisations and the German and French ones came before or at the same time as us, without our knowing about each other, so I think that was really remarkable, but we are attempting to express the argument of that student movement. Now, I should obviously say we don’t represent all of those students; everyone will have different views, we are hoping to put together the main case for economic pluralism and for reforming economics.

“So, what we want to show in the book is economics education is seriously flawed — it’s too abstract, it lacks critical thinking, it lacks history, and it lacks pluralism. But also what we wanted to show, and this is where the title of the book comes from, is why this matters to everybody, because I’m sure you could pick holes in Archeology degrees, or any subject, but none of these have the same level of political influence as economics.

“Economics is really, really commonly referenced by media pundits, by politicians, economists are really dominant in the government, and, if not economists themselves, then economic ideas are used by a wide range of government departments. And so, because of that, the education of economists is a matter of public interest. Actually, the current President of Ireland said that how economists are educated is one of the biggest political questions of our time.

“So in that sense it’s not just about improving economics education, because as the movement has progressed and as we wrote the book, we realised that there was a far bigger problem here, which was democratising economics, and the unaccountability of unelected experts deciding major policy decisions, things like quantitative easing — printing money — which the Bank of England has done massively since the financial crisis, and which it has itself admitted benefitted the top five per cent of households much more. If that increase in inequality was the result of a tax reform, it would be debated in the media, in Parliament, and by people on the street, but it hasn’t been because these decisions are taken behind closed doors by unaccountable experts, and that’s what we call the Econocracy.”

So it really goes beyond simply a change in education to a very political statement from a campaigning point of view, doesn’t it?

“Exactly, one of the things we’ve started to do as a movement is set Rethinking Economics up as a registered charity, so a lot of the people who were previously students now work there full-time, and it does public education courses. So, it’s trying to really move from being a student movement to being a social movement to reclaim economics.”

Why was yours the first movement to have a serious impact on the economic hegemony, where others have tried before?

“There have been a lot of similar-looking movements before. There was the perhaps unfortunately named Post-Autistic Economics Network in France, but I there was actually one in the 1960s, to reform economics at the height of the Vietnam War. But one of their problems was, especially the 60s one, it was very overtly Marxist, and it was intertwined with a critique of the Vietnam War and all of these standard radical causes, whereas what we’re doing is we’re not really adopting a partisan perspective. We’re not saying, you know, this is definitely for leftwing or rightwing economics, what we’re saying is we want a multitude of perspectives, and that our current education isn’t giving us that.

“As to why we have received media coverage, we have received a lot more than the other societies, The Guardian took an interest and there was an article in 2013 which was shared thousands and thousands of times, and it sort of took off from there. The media seems to have retained an interest, but it’s a testament to the students. It’s easy after student life finishes — because it’s so short — just to get on and go and work for a bank or something, and just forget about it, but the people who have been involved in this movement have really made an effort to keep it going, to keep the student societies renewing, and to set up new ones as well, which we’re still doing, and to establish that national network of Rethinking Economics, to keep things going, so it’s a multitude of factors that have explained why it’s had more attention than before, but I’m not sure exactly.”

Coming directly from students has had some effect in making the universities listen, hasn’t it?

“Especially, I think, at a time when you’ve had the rise in fees. And students are being treated more like consumers now. So you get things like the NSS [National Student Survey], which we’ve used quite a lot and we’ve given quite a lot of direct feedback and so there’s this increasing idea that we should have more of a say in what we’re taught.”

How have you used the National Student Survey?

“So, we’ve just basically tried to say to students, when you fill out the NSS, first to encourage them to fill it out, because it’s at the end of your third year and it’s obviously not going to affect you, so there’s every incentive not to, but we’ve tried to encourage people to fill it out, no matter what their views are.

“We’ve also said, look, just maybe take a second to think about what your education has brought you — is it what you expected, do you think there’s anything missing, and so forth. And so, we’ll encourage everyone to fill it out no matter what their views are, but insofar as there is an appetite for our reforms, which from speaking to people they almost always seem to say “yes, OK, that makes sense”, it’s very rare for somebody to outright disagree with what we’re calling for, but we think that there is an appetite for reform, and we just urge students if they hold those views to translate those into direct feedback, because the department does use NSS feedback and it does listen to it.”

So what do you say to the decision by the Students’ Union to call for a university-wide boycott of the NSS?

“We completely understand it and we sympathise with it, because it’s essentially a reaction against the Teaching Excellence Framework, and one of the things we do in the book is we talk about how the Research Excellence Framework has really created this sort of narrow criteria of what economics is, and really stifled the sort of creative environment in many ways.

“And there’s no reason to believe that the Teaching Excellence Framework would be any better, the Students’ Union has put out some information and some analysis which shows that it is based on some very flawed indicators, and it could have the effect of creating a two- or more-tiered university system, so we completely sympathise with that. Having said that, we do as I just said value the NSS as a form of feedback, so we don’t formally endorse the boycott.”

If people want to join the campaign, and get involved themselves, how would you recommend they did that?

“So there’s lots of ways. Number one, we are actually recruiting first year reps, so if you’d like a position in the committee to choose, there’s a wide variety of things you can do from social media and campaigning to events, then please email us at [email protected].

“We also host events, a few a term, so look out on our Facebook page and our Twitter page for those, and on posters around campus. And also if you’d like to submit a blog post then please just send us an email, we’re absolutely happy to take blog posts or submissions for even event ideas, or for campaign ideas, if you’d just like to perhaps not join the committee but get involved on some level, then we absolutely welcome your input on anything, or just your general impression of us, and what you think of our arguments, whether you agree with us or not we really welcome some input.”

The 1973 suffragettes of women’s football and the future of the sport


The suspension of male football league matches during the First World War allowed for women’s football to take its place as the nation’s sport, with Clubs forming up from the munition factories. After the war the sport still flourished, Boxing Day 1920 saw 53,000 spectators cram into Goodison Park to watch women in a charity football match.

Fast-forward a year to 1921, and the FA ban women from playing football. It became the man’s game. Women couldn’t play at most grounds and received no funding.

At the National Football Museum’s talk on ‘Suffragettes in Football’ on the 7th of March, Patricia Gregory talked of how she was one of those who pioneered women’s football and brought it back.

“My father wouldn’t take me to the football, because absolutely it wasn’t a place for girls” she says to an audience consisting mostly of school girls.

Patricia talked of how her local newspaper published her letter protesting that women should be able to play football. This resulted in her letterbox being flooded with letters from other young women wanting to play football, so she formed a Club just for girls.


Despite the ban, the Women’s FA was formed in 1969 with help from Patricia Gregory, but the English FA would not be affiliated with them until 1972 when the ban was lifted. The FA still gave the Women’s team no money.

“For the first 12 years of our existence we were run entirely by volunteers… running the club, the league and the association, putting big time constraint on people… when it came to setting up the England team… we couldn’t even get sets of kit.”

England goalkeeper Rachel Brown-Finnis, who retired in 2014, said of the pioneering women, “they set the standard as it was and set the foundation for my generation… it’s for the next generations to reap the rewards.”


The panel, hosted by BBC Sport’s Eilidh Barbour, had ex-England midfielder Liz Deigham present. She stated that she could not go to America on a scholarship because her employer would not guarantee her job when she returned. This was echoed by England’s second ever captain, Carol Thomas, who reminisced on how the England team all had jobs in the day, and met up at the weekend, travelling all over the country to train in the 70s and 80s.

Despite this, in 1984 the team managed to get to the European Championships Final, just missing out on penalties against Sweden.

Rachel Brown-Finnis on the other hand was of the next generation of footballers and was able to change her working life from full-time to part-time due to getting a professional contract. The added professionalism of women’s football in the 21st century has allowed for an increase in quality to the English game. It was under Finnis’ generation that Women’s football really started to take off, and now we can see it improving even further.

The Future

The FA had taken control from the Women’s FA in 1993, and brought more funding to the game. Since then there has been slow but steady improvement in the game. In 2015 England had their most successful World Cup, finishing third in Canada.

On the 4th of March this year, Ellen White’s 89th minute winner for England saw them beat Women’s Football powerhouse USA. Two days after this, the BBC announced that they had won the rights to showcase the 2019 Women’s World Cup, and BT Sport are continuing to show highlights for every Women’s Super League game.

2016 FIFA World Player of the Year Carli Lloyd has recently signed for Manchester City’s Women’s team too, as the English game is becoming more attractive to the world, and the money is being invested back into the game.


The only way is up for women’s football now, but sexism is clearly still a problem in the game. Carol Thomas said of her 1974 playing days that, “some of the comments we got from the men in the game… I’ll leave that to your imagination”.

A 2016 study by Women in Football indicated that over 46 per cent of women in football have experienced sexism in football, and over 38 per cent of women in football have experienced sexist statements about their actual ability.

Sexism is still alive in football, as is evident from the high-profile cases of referee Sian Massey-Ellis’ when she entered the male game in 2011, and Eva Carneiro as the first team doctor at Chelsea in 2015. With a steady influx of women entering the game, they could be a force in changing the attitude of many.

Your festival guidelines

Festival season is right around the corner, and around about now you’re probably checking how far your overdraft goes and planning this summer’s festivals. Here’s a very rough guide of what to factor in whilst you’re going wild.

Baby wipes: These are an absolute must for any festival that you’re camping at. Showers are often either disgusting, have massive queues, or just simply unavailable. Nobody wants to be drowning in their own sweat for an entire weekend, so these are the solution. Portable, cheap, and coming in resealable packets, these are little gems of freshness that’ll help you remove the grimy traces of yesterday’s glitter, and leave you at least somewhat clean and ready to go for the next day.

Be careful around your drinks: Festivals can be nasty places  when it comes to spiking drinks, so try not to accept any from strangers in tents. You can always get alcohol elsewhere and if it’s water you need, security will normally provide some. Obviously not every drink will be spiked, but it’s not worth the risk if you end up being taken seriously ill because of some dodgy drinks. That being said, it is really important to keep hydrated at festivals, so make sure you do get hold of some water from time to time, especially in tents where it can get really hot and crowded.

Glitter: I absolutely love glitter, and personally think everyone should wear it to every event, but for festivals it can be seriously great. Even though everyone else will probably also be bathed in it, there is no such thing as too much glitter. It’s fun, it’s sparkly, and having a pot on you is guaranteed to make you friends. It also helps to cover up any eye bags that will certainly develop over the course of a weekend.

Plan your weekend: This is an absolute must, especially if you’re invested in the music and not just the atmosphere. It can get very stressful if you’re constantly running from one stage to the next and only catching bits of acts before they finish because you haven’t planned and prioritise who you want to see. Sit down and take some time before the festival to set out who’s playing at what stage at what time, and you’ll have a much less stressful weekend.

Review: Logan

In the year 2000 Hugh Jackman took on the role of Wolverine, an animalistic mutant with healing powers, and retractable claws within his hands, in the first instalment of the X-Men franchise. Seventeen years later this iconic role comes to an end, in what is easily the best film out of the Wolverine trilogy. Jackman is one of the very few actors that can embody a character to such a great extent that you can’t possibly imagine anyone else playing them. It is Wolverine’s laidback attitude, ferocity and inner depth, which make him the popular anti-hero, and no doubt audiences will be saddened that Hugh Jackman won’t reprise this role again. Additionally, Sir Patrick Stewart, who plays the older version of Charles Xavier, has also stated that he will no longer return to the franchise after seeing the film open at the Berlin Film Festival.

Logan takes place in 2029, where the titular hero is bruised, scruffy, and drunk. The opening scene sets out the much more mature tone of the film, with it’s graphic and bloody fight. A certificate of 15 has been given by the BBFC and it is clear why; Logan does not hold back as heads are ripped apart from bodies, eyes are slashed out, and violent deaths are suffered as a whole. This heightens the impact of the fights scenes, as audiences are able to see for the first time the power of the Wolverine. However, being set in the future Logan is not as strong as he used to be, his healing powers have diminished and his blades don’t pop out as swiftly. James Mangold provides a more intimate story focused Logan in what seems to be a dystopian western, making it unlike any other superhero film, but allowing Jackman to really take charge.

Logan hides out in Mexico with Charles, who now needs black market medicine in order to prevent brain seizures, which cause telekinetic earthquakes around him, paralysing everyone. It is believed there are no more mutants, that is until Logan encounters a mysterious young girl named Laura (Dafne Keen) who has familiar powers. With a shadowy agency after Laura and Logan, the pair along with Charles head to ‘Eden’, a refuge for mutants in North Dakota. This journey at the heart is about the relationship between Charles and Logan, and the conflict Logan has with himself. Mangold has not created a simple road film, as suspense is there and even some surprises reminiscent of the previous films. Unexpectedly Charles provides the comical aspects of the film, and Laura with her piercing eyes and few words comes across as a better version of Eleven from Stranger Things.

However, Logan does leave many questions unanswered. No context is given as to how Logan and Charles had ended up in the state they are in. You would expect there to be perhaps some flashbacks or an explanation alluding to the past, but this all too vague. Considering this is the last of Wolverine arguably the X-Men should have made an appearance at some point. Though ultimately, Logan provides a satisfying ending to the Wolverine trilogy. It is raw, personal, and thrilling. Hugh Jackman bids farewell to the franchise with success.


Case study: The ostrich feather jacket

The feather jacket has been making the rounds on Instagram for the past year or so now, thanks to celebrity endorsements from the likes of Jess Woodley of ‘Made in Chelsea’ and blogger Sarah Ashcroft. Mimi and Bow, the brand behind the jacket have proved to be a must-have on countless girls’ wish lists. Available in a huge range of colours from the classic black to wine red and emerald green, these jackets are perfect for throwing on with jeans or adding to your Saturday night outfit for an extra bit of fabulous. The feathers are soft, full, and luxurious and the jacket has a silk lining with a hook and eye fastening. The jackets come in two different lengths, either short or longer styles. I purchased my first Mimi and Bow jacket last January, opting for the navy blue, and at Christmas this year I added black to my (hopefully) growing collection.

Whilst it is on the pricey side, each jacket is handmade which means that whilst it can take a while to arrive, the quality is great.  The jackets are priced at £79.99 which is admittedly a steep price to pay, especially for students, but I like to look at it as an investment. I like to think of my jacket as an alternative to a winter coat which makes the cost of it seem entirely reasonable, winter coats are expensive after all. The ostrich feathers are great for insulation and you can barely feel the cold wind when you have it thrown over your shoulders. You may be wondering whether this jacket is really equipped to withstand the bitter torrential rain that frequently blasts Manchester. The answer is yes! Another reason to purchase this jacket. Whilst it is probably not recommended to wear the jacket when you know it is going to rain, if you find yourself stuck in an impromptu downpour then you can be safe in the knowledge that this will not ruin your jacket. Rather, in my experience, I have found that once you have dried off from the rain, your jacket looks as good as new, in fact, it looks as if it is fresh out of the hairdressing salon after having a blow dry and is as fluffy as ever.

The jackets are the ultimate wardrobe staple. They are unique, great quality and the colours are so rich and striking. The ostrich feather jacket is the perfect buy for any fashion conscious girl. You won’t regret it, your bank account might, but you definitely will not.

A sympathetic view of Milo Yiannopoulos

In the summer of 2016, a friend and I thought it would be interesting to go and see Milo Yiannopoulos talk at an event in London. If you are familiar with Yiannopoulos, you would not have found it difficult to guess the contents of the talk: mockery of transsexuals, rage against feminists, and fawning over the man who was then only a candidate for President of the United States, Donald Trump.

Whilst the contents of the talk were jarring and uncomfortable for a metropolitan London liberal like me, more memorable were the attitudes of the audience. Despite their recent success in the EU referendum and the unexpected victory of Donald Trump in the Republican nomination process, not many of the people that I talked to seemed at all happy or optimistic. In fact, most seemed to be in despair. When the Q&A section of the talk began, most people who raised their hand to ask a question ended up fumbling out something that was more like a contribution to a group therapy session than a question.

After I left the talk, I came away feeling something that I had not expected to feel. I did not feel angry at these people for holding misogynistic or racist views. Rather, I felt sympathy for them. I saw parallels between these scared and angry teenage boys and the kinds of people who are attracted to radical Islam. I went to the talk under the impression that the views these people held were about attacking other people. Upon leaving, I had realised that they were part of a protective shell, a carapace that the attendees had used as a way of responding to the perceived threats of feminism and globalisation.

I concluded that these people do not necessarily hate feminism or anti-racist campaigns because they hate women or are racists, but because they feel that protections are being afforded to other groups that are not being afforded to them. And, like most extremist campaigns, the anger and hatred was at least partially based on legitimate grievances.

When one boy who looked about sixteen raised his hand and talked about how he had failed at his school and hadn’t felt adequately helped by his teachers, and that he felt his teachers had been more receptive to the problems of female students, my mind jumped to the studies that have shown that some teachers are likely to give male students worse marks for the same quality of work, and that white working class boys are the group in the UK that are the least likely to go to university. These boys and young men were not angry because of efforts to help women who suffer sexual violence or immigrants who struggle in their new country, but because they felt that no one had any interest in their experiences.

At the time of the talk, my sympathies only really extended to the people who were asking questions, rather than Yiannopoulos himself. He, I thought, was taking advantage of these young men to promote two things. Firstly, an extreme right-wing political package that offered hollow solutions for people who were facing real difficulties; and secondly, his own brand.

My opinion has changed in the last few days, since Yiannopoulos was forced to resign from his position at the far-right media group Breitbart. He has also been uninvited as a speaker at CPAC — a Republican conference in the United States that is so screwy that one of its talks was titled ‘If Heaven Has a Gate, a Wall, and Extreme Vetting, Why Can’t America?’ — and has had his book deal cancelled. All of this has been triggered by renewed interested in comments Yiannopoulos made last year in support of the idea that boys as young as thirteen ought to be able to have relationships with older men, and often that these boys can be just as coercive in these relationships as the older men.

The context of these comments has been largely ignored. Yiannopoulos was talking about these kinds of relationships from the perspective of somebody who was involved in a relationship as a young teenager with an older man. When I listen to Yiannopoulos talk about the issue, it comes across to me as though they are the comments of a young boy who has been sexually abused and has struggled to come to terms with the fact that it was abuse.

Because of my interpretation of these comments as both genuine and harrowing, I have found the response of many on the left to be unsavoury. There are moments to have your glee at the downfall of a hate figure (if Donald Trump loses in 2020, I will certainly be celebrating), but this does not seem to me to be such a moment. Many left-wing pundits have questioned whether Yiannopoulos is lying about the abuse, despite the fact that almost all of these people have in the past taken the view that the default position on a victim of abuse ought to be one of belief.

I can see why people get so angry about Yiannopoulos’ remarks, and, as someone in a group that Milo Yiannopoulos is very unlikely to offend, I appreciate that my own indignation about the response of the left may come across as the opinion of someone who hasn’t been hurt by the things that Yiannopoulos and his fans have said. But I still can’t help but feel sympathy for both the people who go to the events he holds, and the man himself.

Men must listen to feminists

On Thursday 23rd, 2500 students gathered outside Owens’ Park for the annual Reclaim The Night march, a demonstration organised by the Students’ Union to protest the continuation of violence against women.

In my own show of support for a cause that I, as a man, have strong feelings about, I donned glitter, neon paint, and my golden bomber jacket to stand against the gendered injustices of our day. One student I spoke to said she was surprised at how many men had turned out for the march.

From Owens’ Park, we trooped up Wilmslow Road chanting a variety of rhyming slogans. In a lull between the chants, a friend turned to me and said I should lead one of the rousing calls to reclaim the night. I said I was happy joining in, but didn’t think it would be right to lead one myself. Amongst the various pun-laden placards (“My dress is not a yes” and “She just wants the D-estruction of the patriarchy”) and the kaleidoscopic lights of the Curry Mile, I found myself wondering if I should be there at all.

The place of men in feminism has long been debated. There are those who outright reject the participation of men (more specifically, ‘all-privileged’ straight, white, middle-class man) and maintain that feminist spaces must be the reserve of women and other marginalised groups. Conversely, I would argue that men should be considered an acceptable, even necessary, part of emancipation movements.

Throughout history, in areas such as politics, governance, education, finance and commerce, the vast majority of positions of power have been held by men. Feminism seeks to redress this balance and get women (and other minorities) into power. From this perspective, it doesn’t seem right that I, a straight, white male, should enter into a politics with a central tenet.

Being a male feminist merits a fairly wide range of responses. It tends to excite other feminists, get the lads riled up, or attract a kind of double take, not to mention my housemate’s jokes that, I “only do it because girls lap that bollocks up.” Indeed, I often get asked why I am a male feminist, since the movement, as the name suggests, offers more to women.

For one, I think that feminism has something to offer men in the same way it has something to offer all people. We operate in a world of categorisations, with ‘male’ and ‘female’ being two of the most salient. The ideals and stereotypes associated with these categories can be damaging to men as well as women, not to mention those who identify with neither. In this way, feminist theories of gender can offer men a liberating alternative to the muscular, aggressive, and in no way effeminate image we are so often presented with.

However, I do not consider myself a feminist primarily because of what it has to offer men. Feminism, to a man, hinges on whether we are willing to listen to what women are saying or ignore their experiences. In fact, we all have something to learn from accepting the subjectivities of others.

I happily walk down the Curry Mile any time, day or night, wearing whatever I please, feeling perfectly safe in a public space full of people. Many of my female friends, on the other hand, know that if they walk there, they are likely to be catcalled and made to feel uncomfortable. When someone tells me this, I could either not believe it, simply because I have never personally experienced it, or I can stop thinking of statistics as to why it is not true, pay attention, and accept that a woman’s experience is vastly different to my own.

I am a feminist and an ally because I have heard stories from women and girls I care for and do not discredit. That is the place of men in feminism and the role of all privileged people in their engagement with the marginalised: to listen, above all else. I do not think it is my place to speak on behalf of women; men have been doing that for long enough. But, it is my place to tell other men that they should pay attention to what women are saying.

In the throng of wailing megaphones, flags of swearing vaginas and signs telling Donald Trump where to go, I was part of reclaiming the night, but not for myself. It was not about demanding that feminism gives me something, but it was a show of support for the women of Manchester, my friends and the women I know. It was to say: “I am listening.”