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Wuthering Heights is the perfect book to curl up with on the sofa on a cold winter’s day and devour in a sitting, says Elizabeth Linsley
The Mancunion caught up with Little Green Cars as they soak up their strong Mancunian fan base.
Lucy Spraggan returns to Manchester with a bang.
Indie five piece bring a memorable performance to The Castle.
Samuel Ward reflects on the best songs about other icons.
Ever since I’ve come into contact with creative people, I’ve always been shuddered slightly at those who claim to ‘express themselves’. The idea of art being a self expressive tool for the artist is ultimately one of the Romantic period, where musicians, writers and artists saw their work going beyond its aristocratic social function and […]
Step-by-step picture guide to making an origami sombrero by Arts Editor Abbie Roberts
Los Campesinos! produce their worst album yet
Jack Evans looks ahead to the much-anticpated return of the Scorcese-DiCaprio duo
Jackson Ball gives us his top 5 christopher nolan countdown of leading ladies who didn’t make it to the end of the film
Jack Crutcher tells us why he believes that Mark Wahlberg is in the wrong job
Our Cornerhouse Pick of the Week is Stephen Frears’ latest cinematic hit
George Bellamy discusses alternative Jesus figures in cinema
We caught up with upcoming producer Shahid Khan to discuss alter egos, exotic temptations and playing the fame game under the increasingly famous moniker ‘Naughty Boy’.
What do the stars have in store for you this month? Mystic Moya predicts…
Can men and women ever really ‘just’ be friends? Beth Currall and Lewis Johnston argue both sides of the coin
Jane went to see acclaimed Chilean film, Gloria, and attended a Q&A with its star
Skid Row is one such band who, even with once-iconic singer Sebastian Bach having left over a decade ago, stubbornly refuse to let the dream die.
Sophie on the diverse range of travellers she met on her journey across Latin America