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Politics Articles

Trump and Farage are role models for aspiring politicians

The successes of Donald Trump and Nigel Farage can act as inspiration for a renewal of passion in politics

Live: Local Natives

From feminism to favourite colours, Stuart Grantham speaks to the Californian band before a well-sequenced and democratised performance

Two slogans that define our world

Ollie Potter looks at how the results of the Brexit referendum and the US Election were surprising yet anticipated; the people are sick of the status quo

30days40songs – the art of the protest song

Jacob Hopkins explores the 30days40songs project — a rare revival of protest music in the build-up to the US Presidential Election

Pro-EU intellectuals must speak out

Intelligence continues to be feared by the political elite, as demonstrated by some of those campaigning for a ‘hard’ Brexit

The call of the sea

Britain has long depended on its naval prowess and command over the seas, so is it not high time we recognised our need for a presence on the ocean?

Is the Student Union right to ban the Daily Star?

Has the SU gone too far? And if so, how can we tackle the objectification of women in such publications?

West Sussex proposes 4-day school week

Head teachers in West Sussex forced to consider drastic action to battle lack of allocated funding

The shambles that is the Labour defence policy

Labour’s defence policy does more to expose the party’s weaknesses than protect those it claims to

Brexit: Article 50 to be triggered by March 2017

At the annual Conservative Party conference, Prime Minister announced plans for Article 50 to be triggered by spring of next year

Cap on medical students to be raised but at a cost

Jeremy Hunt announces new plans for present and future medical students

The Save the Date campaign: A great idea ruined by propaganda

With voter turnout remaining a prevalent issue in US politics, have we been using the power of celebrity and social media for good?

Labour Party conference report

Corbyn expects to win general election with ‘21st century socialism’

The burkini: what’s behind it ?

Lioui Benhamou addresses the deeper connotations of the debate surrounding France’s banning of the controversial ‘burkini’

Interview: Dame Nancy Rothwell

Head Features Editor Jacob Nicholas sat down with the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell, to talk about everything from Brexit to building a hotel on campus

The death of rhetoric in politics

In light of recent events, Ryan Khudara critically assesses a shift in political language

Manchester Labour Students co-chair quits amid ‘institutional racism’ and ‘leak’ allegations

Mo Ahmed, co-chair of Manchester Labour Students, resigned whilst attending the party’s youth conference owing to allegations directed at him regarding leaks and institutional racism at the conference

Nigerian student faces deportation to death

Master’s student Luqman Onikosi faces deportation back to Nigeria where he will not receive critical Hepatitis B treatment

Why Engels? Why Now?

On the back of Jeremy Corbyn’s resounding victory in last year’s Labour leadership election, we explore the legacy of adopted Mancunian Friedrich Engels

Top 5: Books the Tories should read

Joely Thomas has some reading recommendations for the Tories and their supporters