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Roma Havers

Roma Havers

Poem: Ryan Norman

This week’s poet of the week is Ryan Norman

Poet of the Week: Jake Piazza

Jake Piazza is Poet of the Week beginning 27/03/2017

Poet of the Week: Florence Kleiner

Poet of the Week beginning 13/03/2017 is Florence Kleiner

One Mic Stand

Roma Havers’ previews the University of Manchester’s closest Slam poetry night at the Contact Theatre, at 7pm on the 3rd March 2017

Northern Lights Writer’s Conference

Roma Havers discusses the upcoming Writing Conference in Sale

Poet of the Week: Damani Dennisur

Damani Dennisur is our poet of the week

Why Manchester does not need your poetry ‘crown’

Roma Havers joins forces with Manchester’s poetry community in response to the Manchester Evening News article ‘Why Manchester should be crowned the capital of poetry’

Top 5: Books that shaped my year

Roma Havers reflects on a year of great books and the top five that stood out

Preview: Louder Than Words Festival

Roma Havers previews Louder Than Words Festival and its events this weekend

Review: University of Manchester Comedy Society stand-up night

Roma Havers reviews the University of Manchester Comedy Society’s first open mic night

Women’s campaign: Sticks and Stones launch

Roma Havers introduces the newest Women’s Campaign, ‘Sticks and Stones’ and reviews the launch event

“We need to counter the rubbish that poetry is only for a chosen few”

Books editor Roma Havers interviews the poet Lemn Sissay on his new book Gold from the Stone and his role as Chancellor of the University of Manchester

Ladyfest’s Body Positivity Workshop is an inspiring success

Roma Havers reviews the work of Ladyfest Manchester and their recent Body Positivity Workshop

not for online: book recommendation of the week issue 6

The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón “It is one of those books that I had to stop reading because I was surprised by it, I physically had to put the book aside and just think and let it sink in. I also gasped loudly on an aeroplane while I was reading this, […]

Bob Dylan is awarded Nobel Prize in Literature

Roma Havers celebrates the news of the new Nobel Prize for Literature winner Bob Dylan, and considers the state of mind of the contemporary literary scene

Write Now: Do you have a novel in the works?

Roma Havers details the Penguin Random House new scheme Write Now, aiming to mentor writers from under-represented backgrounds

Preview: Notes on a Thesis by Tiphaine Rivière

Roma Havers previews Tiphaine Rivière’s Notes on a Thesis, as translated by Francesca Barrie

Interview: David Hartley

An interview with the University of Manchester alumnus and author David Hartley about Spiderseed, flash fiction stories published by Sleepy House Press

Review: Verbose and Bad Language

Roma Havers, chair of Manchester Creative Writing Society, reviews two spoken word nights—one of which she performed at

Review: Still Howling

Roma Havers reviews the unique celebration of the 60th anniversary of the first reading of Allen Ginsberg’s Howl