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art Articles

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Pablo Picasso

How much do you actually know about the person behind the canvas?

Where Are The Women In Art?

Why are all the artists who are so prolific in art history male? Why has society only decided to do something about it now?

Manchester’s Top Art Secrets

Each week we explore a new place in Manchester to find the city’s top art secrets. This week Holly Smith visited the Centre For Chinese Contemporary Art.

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Vincent Van Gogh

When I ask people about Vincent van Gogh, I generally get the reaction “you mean the one who did those sunflowers?” In fact, ask anyone about an artist and they could tell you which paintings they are famous for, but how much do you actually know about the person behind the canvas?

What’s on

Your guide to all the upcoming art events in the city

Venue Guide: Off the Beaten Track

Perhaps not so well known as Manchester’s larger institutions, these venues make a vibrant, intelligent and exciting contribution to the art scene of the city

Society Spotlight: Manchester University Comic Collective

Manchester University Comic Collective provide lessons and workshops to teach people how to draw and create comics, working towards producing a collaborative anthology of their work at the end of the year

Review – Bioshock: Infinite

Bioshock: Infinite raises the question can games be art?

There’s no place like Soane

Arts Editor Harriet Hill-Payne suggests searches out the unusual, the bizarre and the eclectic for your Easter cultural fix

‘Four’ at Cornerhouse: The Curation

Sarah Jones gains a rare insight into the curational process of ‘Four’ at Cornerhouse

Four at Cornerhouse

Three young curators, four emerging artists, and a little help from Cornerhouse

Fashion could be called art…

…but it’s not…

Review: ‘I’ – The Sleep Collection

Toby Parker and Lucy Johnson are ‘blissfully roused’ from their slumbers by Rubin-Mayhew’s sleeping beauties

Art History Lessons with Lucy J

10 things you should know about Toulouse-Lautrec

Secret Manchester: The Portico Library

The Portico Library serves up a slice of secret Manchester, and a good slice of cake too

Art History Lessons with Lucy J: Van Gogh

10 things you should know about Vincent Van Gogh

MMU students exhibit protest art

‘The Art of Protest: MMUnion Edition’ exhibited student artwork at MMUnion

Hockney to Hogarth: A rake’s progress

The Whitworth exhibits Hogarth’s 1735 series A Rake’s Progress against David Hockney’s 1965 interpretation of the work