Liam Gallagher Articles

Student Style Diaries #2: ‘Doing my best’
The Mancunion’s Music Editor Alex Cooper takes us through his style, from reference points to recent revelations

Mancunian Fashion Players of the Week
As the academic year starts again and we take the journey back to the city that we love, we have a special edition of our Fashion Player of the Week. This week we feature our favourite Mancunion men who have re-defined the very DNA of Manchester’s style all in their own unique way. Liam Gallagher – an […]
Album: Beady Eye – Different Gear, Still Speeding
For a new Mancunian rock band, bringing out a debut is normally a difficult process; yet one that happens in droves. If, however, that band is actually a successful old band, minus one member, it’s a walk in the park. Though Different Gear, Still Speeding was set for scrutiny and controversy from the offset, Liam Gallagher and his tribe of merry men have, surprisingly, exceeded themselves.