Lifestyle Archive
26th September 2011
Blind date: Adam and Grainne
History student, Grainne, meets Archaeology and Anthropology student, Adam for the first blind date of the year.
21st September 2011
Hola, Je speak plusieurs لغات
The attitude that English alone is enough creates self-imposed limitations.
20th September 2011
Multi-lingual celebrities: Who knew?
They’re oh so talented, and everyone wants a piece of them. And with the added charm they speak another language.
15th September 2011
“When I was a Fresher…”
New life away from home, the sniffles and best friends forever (or, for that week anyway).
15th September 2011
Calm down dear, it’s just misogyny
Topshop t-shirts create uproar at sexist slogans.
Get involved with Lifestyle
14th September 2011
Defeating the stereotype
A brief introduction to the Lifestyle section and how you can get involved with writing
1st February 2011
It was several nights before Christmas and all through the house, nothing was stirring apart from me, in the kitchen, with piles and piles of meat. I was creating an edible homage to one of the greatest spectacles of all time, a sacra-licious nativity scene was a diorama depicting the birth of our savory saviour. […]