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Sophie Marriott argues that despite a feeling of disenchantment with politics in the UK there is still a politically engaged base of youthful activists.
The UK has pledged at least £92m to a satellite navigation system that is proposed to rival the EU’s Galileo project. After the EU announced that the UK would not be able to access sensitive encrypted data from Galileo post-Brexit this coming March, the UK has threatened to launch its own sat-nav system despite having […]
With barely two weeks since the release of their critically acclaimed second album Joy As An Act Of Resistance, Bristol-based five-piece IDLES descend upon the basement of Manchester record store Fopp to a crowd of avid fans for an hour of sweat-laden carnage
Frenetic, essential and virtuous are the three words that capture both Idles and their second monumental album Joy as an Act Of Resistance
Is it too late to remember the sacrifices of Britain’s Colonial soldiers?
Editor-in-Chief Kirstie O’Mahony sat down with the VC to talk all things gender, Brexit and, of course, strikes
It’s being claimed as the biggest intervention by ministers in campus free speech for more than 30 years
Most likely just the beginning– Hungary is another example of European fascism on the rise.
A typical cold and rainy night in MCR and there were high hopes to un-dampen spirits, which they managed but only for about 30% of the show
The talk seeks to help help students understand what trade means and why it matters
After over a decade of mishandling Scotland, the Scottish National Party is inevitably losing their popular base, and it’s about time
Reclaiming the space for intellectual, civilised debate
European Affairs society hosts engaging talk inviting students to think about EU’s role with Africa and other former colonised areas’ development and trade on the eve of Brexit
The Manchester City manager has been fined by the FA for breaching “kit and advertising regulations” but the issue raises a much larger problem.
A look at what Brits can learn from the Norwegians and their $1 Trillion sovereign wealth fund
“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” – Benjamin Franklin
Political Christianity should restore its roots of socialism and progressivism
Erasmus+ supports students who wish to study across the EU for up to twelve months and the UK’s participation in the scheme post 2019 was unclear
By alienating his foreign allies and pushing his nationalist rhetoric to the extreme, Trump risks undermining the revolution he started in 2016
Fears have been shared over the future of funding for scientific research in a post-Brexit Britain