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Two men and a lot of weapons of mass destruction.
Stand against cruel and unnecessary staff redundancies
Deregulation of licensing regulation has damaged the incomes of Manchester taxi drivers
Mr Osborne’s first lecture was a thing of secrecy until a video of himself was posted immediately afterwards
Chancellor announces an extra £400m for the Northern Powerhouse aims to invigorate the Northern economy and improve infrastructure and transport links
With the Conservative Party conference arriving in Manchester, thousands choose to make their opposition heard during the People’s Assembly demonstration
Which? University 2017 Student Survey ranked Manchester University highly for its “varied union activities”, “political scene” and “diverse local nightlife”
Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell reveals his vision to tackle student debt at the 2017 Labour Party Conference, with the party also outlining its post-Brexit vision
It was a routine win over the West Indies.
After funding outrages and bogus figures, Britain’s international students deserve to have their potential acknowledged and encouraged
Government exit checks state that overall net migration is much lower than expected
How will students receive the ex-Chancellor of the Exchequer’s appointment?
“The proof is in the pudding,” says Mr Osborne to those who may have criticised his appointment as Editor of the Evening Standard — Kirstie O’Mahony also challenges him about another appointment a little closer to home
In the eyes of many Europeans, Britain has become the closeted land of King Farage – and no-one has as much power to change that as we do
The University of Manchester continues to climb up the Times Higher Education’s global university ranking
The University of Manchester though is not adhering to the national trend, with admissions of home and EU students up since this time last year
Reaction to the news has been mixed, with the university praising Osborne’s dedication to the Northern Powerhouse and its growing economy, while critics have questioned the ex-Chancellor’s credentials
The British people keep calling the government’s bluff, so why are they still going all-in?
As part of our series of interviews with local candidates, we sit down with John Leech, campaigning to win back his Manchester Withington seat and discuss the polls, tuition fees and whether going into the coalition can be blamed for Brexit
As part of our series of interviews with local candidates before June 8th, we sit down with Shaden Jaradat, the Conservative party candidate for Gorton