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brexit Articles

Blairites should not be so self-assured

After Tony Blair hints at a return to British politics, Sam Glover outlines the key constituents that Labour need to win over if they are to be electorally successful

War on drugs: Fabric reopens the debate

With new rules put in place, Fabric is due to reopen, and with it the age-long debate on drugs is back

A post-Trump journalistic meltdown

Being a good journalist is a difficult task in light of recent events, and it can sometimes be easier to stay angry than to express it with words

May pledges £2bn a year to science

Theresa May promises an annual £2 billion to scientific research and development (R&D) by 2020 and review of current tax incentives to help the UK’s science and technology industry

Two slogans that define our world

Ollie Potter looks at how the results of the Brexit referendum and the US Election were surprising yet anticipated; the people are sick of the status quo

A tale of two globalisations

Recent populist movements that have elected Donald Trump and led to Brexit display a need to expand our vocabulary when speaking of globalisation

A student life: the free speech advocate

Jo Mitchison a member of the University of Manchester’s Free Speech and Secular Society, claims the culture of not engaging with controversial opinions is to blame for the success of Trump and Brexit

Has Apple gone too far?

The Apple MacBook Pro has become a staple for the modern university student. But with rising prices and a questionable change in key features — will this remain the case for long?

Pro-EU intellectuals must speak out

Intelligence continues to be feared by the political elite, as demonstrated by some of those campaigning for a ‘hard’ Brexit

Remain voters need to scrutinise Brexiteers like me

A well-planned exit from the EU is reliant on all voters continuing to voice their concerns

Brexit decisions will not affect funding for EU students in the UK

In spite of doubts cast by Brexit, EU students have been reassured by the British government that they will still be eligible for funding at UK Universities

The call of the sea

Britain has long depended on its naval prowess and command over the seas, so is it not high time we recognised our need for a presence on the ocean?

Experts fear that Brexit will push EU academics out of the UK

Britain may lose many EU national academics in the post-referendum negotiations, causing serious strain on British academic institutions

A Gibraltarian against Brexit

The ‘Remainers’ of the Rock need to make a strong case in EU negotiations

Brexit: Article 50 to be triggered by March 2017

At the annual Conservative Party conference, Prime Minister announced plans for Article 50 to be triggered by spring of next year

Brexit rush causes university to have shortage of accommodation

The University of Warwick has a shortage of accommodation for postgraduates and freshers, as they experience a rush of EU students pre-Brexit

Oxford Vice-Chancellor expresses Brexit worries

Prof Louise Richardson said “the fabric of the institution would be undermined” if uncertainty following the referendum caused numbers of EU students to fall

Interview: Dame Nancy Rothwell

Head Features Editor Jacob Nicholas sat down with the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell, to talk about everything from Brexit to building a hotel on campus

Fear rising for UK Universities post-Brexit

UK universities plummet in global rankings post-Brexit while concerns are raised for community cohesion

Highest ever ranking for the University of Manchester

The University of Manchester has been ranked 29th in the QS World University Rankings, despite uncertainties around Brexit causing most UK universities to drop in the league table