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referendum Articles

NUS Rep: What do they actually do?

NUS Rep: What do they actually do?

The LeadMCR elections are just around the corner and this year there is the additional role of NUS (National Union of Students) representative. But what’s their role? And what does this mean for students?
Opinion: Here’s why Nancy Rothwell must go

Opinion: Here’s why Nancy Rothwell must go

Lucy Nichols outlines the main arguments of the #nancyout campaign amongst a turbulent time for the university’s management
Opinion: Nancy is not the only one to blame

Opinion: Nancy is not the only one to blame

Alice Shakeshaft examines the collective responsibility for the university’s recent failings and argues that Nancy Rothwell should not be the only one held to account
#NoMoreNancy: Students launch campaign to oust the Vice-Chancellor

#NoMoreNancy: Students launch campaign to oust the Vice-Chancellor

Students launch petition calling for a vote of no confidence in the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Manchester
Brexit and Democracy

Brexit and Democracy

Oliver Storey suggests that the demoncracy of the country rests on us having another opportunity to vote for or against Brexit.
Why Green Book’s Best Picture win is a good thing

Why Green Book’s Best Picture win is a good thing

Adrian Kanyoli argues that the time is right for him to suspend his hatred of white-saviour films like Green Book and Hidden Figures following the former’s recent Best Picture win

1 in 5 UK GPs trained abroad, Manchester study finds

A study by the Medical eResearch Centre at the University of Manchester has found 5% of UK GPs come from the EU, with a further 17% coming from elsewhere overseas

The Catalonian Crisis is a blessing in disguise for Mariano Rajoy

The Catalonian Crisis may seem like a headache for the Spanish government, but it actually bolster’s the Spanish Prime Minister’s authority, argues Jake Dunn

Misleading options in exec officer ‘preferendum’

People have hinted that the vote may also reopen, but a decision has not yet been made

Is this what modern Spanish democracy looks like at its worst?

Where does state-led aggression fit into a liberal democracy?

First Senate session of the academic year – live updates

The Mancunion will be giving you live updates of motions debated and passed in Senate

The defiance of secession – Catalan independence

A fight for self-determination in the face of insurmountable odds

Applications from EU graduates to UK jobs decline by 18%

The UK is suffering from a decrease in the number of EU graduates that are applying for jobs according to a survey conducted by LinkedIn with over 3 million participants

The Italian referendum: what now?

Italians have rejected Prime Minister Renzi’s reform and are left wondering about the alternatives

Two slogans that define our world

Ollie Potter looks at how the results of the Brexit referendum and the US Election were surprising yet anticipated; the people are sick of the status quo

Brexit begins to take its toll on British research

The uncertainty surrounding Britain’s status within the EU has led to research at British universities reportedly taking a hit only a fortnight after the referendum

The EU is not perfect, but to run would be cowardly

The European Project has its flaws but has the potential to be so much better. Britain should be at the heart of it

Vice-Chancellors band together to block Brexit

University Vice-Chancellors from across the country profess their concern about leaving the EU

Students’ Union sticks with NUS

A potential referendum on whether to remain part of the NUS was voted against

UMSU: persuade students that they can make a difference

The problem with our Union is not the structure of meetings, but a lack of understanding as to what UMSU can do for you, writes Charles Bailey