The Universities Minister has said that the soaring numbers of students graduating with first and upper second class degrees in the UK are ‘threatening’ their value
The release of the controversial Teaching Excellence Framework’s results shocked many, with only eight Russell Group universities receiving gold, although many have questioned the rankings’ validity
The University of Manchester Students’ Union’s Education Officer Emma Atkins considers the impact of the recent TEF awards, and questions the role of TEF in the intricate, diverse world of higher education
The Students’ Union’s boycott of the National Student Survey is causing issues for the campaign tactics of the ever-growing Post-Crash Economics Society
The University of Manchester will enter the Teaching Excellence Framework, which will allow better-performing universities to raise fees above the £9,000 cap
The National Demo, ‘United for Education’ saw thousands of students march against the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF), increasing tuition fees, and the ‘marketisation’ of education
The University of Manchester’s Students’ Union have stated that they will not yet be boycotting the NSS in reaction to an impending decision on controversial higher education legislation, TEF, despite the NUS’ position
The Sunday Times has revealed plans to encourage universities to take on & pass more disadvantaged students and help them find graduate jobs, or be fined and prevented from raising tuition fees