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germany Articles

Germany’s Populists Take a New Turn: ‘Left Conservatism’

Germany’s Populists Take a New Turn: ‘Left Conservatism’

Populist Sahra Wagenknecht’s rise in recent months has made her a kingmaker in east Germany, castigated her former party, Die Linke, to terminal decline, and challenged some of the current coalition government’s core policies
From Our Correspondent: Uncovering Berlin’s lesser-known clubs

From Our Correspondent: Uncovering Berlin’s lesser-known clubs

We turn to Berlin for our next edition of ‘From Our Correspondent’, where our writer discovers that the city’s smaller, less sought-after clubs are more to her liking
Fritz Lang’s M: The perfect thriller

Fritz Lang’s M: The perfect thriller

Despite being made nearly a century ago, Fritz Lang’s classic lives up to be one of the best thrillers of all time
Dragon Rider – a worthy adaptation or a bad rip-off?

Dragon Rider – a worthy adaptation or a bad rip-off?

Dragon Rider is a German take on the concept of humans and dragons coexisting in one world, but fails to add anything innovative to it
Lionesses end losing streak but Neville is clear that there is room for improvement

Lionesses end losing streak but Neville is clear that there is room for improvement

Victory against the Czezh Republic handed England just their second win in six since their World Cup exit
Angela Merkel: Die Überlebende (The Survivor)

Angela Merkel: Die Überlebende (The Survivor)

How the Queen of Europe rose to her throne

The SPD have a choice: radical reform or terminal decline

Either become a party-of-the-people à la Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour or drift into irrelevance

What did we learn from Germany and Brazil?

Portugal won the Euro’s only winning one game in 90 minutes, why can’t we? It’s coming home

The rise of the AfD proves that Germany isn’t immune from right-wing populism

Gemany is divided, and those divisions won’t heal unless the German political establishment engages with the concerns of AfD voters, argues Jake Dunn

Eurovision 2017

The most fabulous night in the musical calendar returns with political drama, horse masks, and a few plot twists, writes Elizabeth Rushton

EuroWatch: Bundesliga

Josh Jenkins will be looking at the best European leagues each week

Manchester Weihnachtsmarkt

Maria Ortega Rechkemmer finds out just how German Manchester’s Christmas markets are

Festival Preview: Melt!

The future sounds of electronic music simmer amongst the trophies of Germany’s industrial past

Nous Sommes Ensemble

With the terror attacks in France, the footballing world comes together to stand by the side of the French

Why Germany can’t solve the refugee crisis alone

Chancellor Merkel’s response to the refugee crisis has been admirable, but Joel Kelly argues that we can’t expect Germany to take all the responsibility

Gamescom 2015 – from the view of a Square Enix fan

Some of us wanted to visit Konami, a couple of others were eager to head straight for Bethesda and Ubisoft; however, my own personal priority was Square Enix

Refugees United: Football shows support for refugees

Harry Newton looks at the help given to refugees by many European football clubs in the absence of political action

My Political Hero: Hans-Dietrich Genscher

This week Hanna Krasmann looks at her political hero, Hans-Dietrich Genscher

Who’s next in Europe’s game of dominos?

With European leaders toppling left, right and centre, the Arab Spring has given way to the Mediterranean Autumn – and it’s nothing if not entertaining, writes Cat Hanson